Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Melting Points and Cooperative Identification of Organic Solids Lab Report

Melting Points and Cooperative Identification of Organic Solids - Lab Report Example This is by deriving mixed melting point by obtaining that of the two compounds having a ratio of 1:1. This was instrumental in ascertaining mixture melting point that helped in identifying these compounds. In addition, comparing the already obtained data solid with dissimilar appearance has high melting points in its both mixed (1350C) and pure states (1870C). Hence, indicating its strong covalent bond where by in former state weakened due to dissimilar forces with the other component. The purpose of this experiment entails the determination of the given compound’s melting point. In this experiment, the melting point measurements they are for four organic solids. Hence, the ascertainment process encompasses utilizing the scientific premise that diverse compounds differ significantly in terms of their melting points. This is because of their respective structural bonds that have varying attraction strengths. Scientifically, ionic compounds are stronger in comparison to their covalent counterparts, which are weaker besides having diminished bond strength. From the obtained data, it is quite evident respective melting points across the groups of mixed substances are a bit low compared to pure solids. Probably, this is because of mixed and unequal attraction bonds/ Van der Waals amid the involved substances. This is evident whereby their pure state The experiment is somewhat an attempt of solving a puzzle. This is because for scientific discoveries, most scientists have to cooperate with each other. Great teamwork is crucial especially in the modern science. In several occasions, it is possible for diverse scientists to make the same discovery, at the same time, in different parts of the world. For the scientist to prove that they are using the same substances, they have to exchange their biological specimens or chemical samples and data. The melting points for the

Monday, October 28, 2019

PEACE Domestic Violence Agency Essay Example for Free

PEACE Domestic Violence Agency Essay The PEACE Domestic Violence agency’s mission is to â€Å"reduce victim trauma, empower survivors, and promote recovery through direct services† (University of Phoenix, 2012, para. 9). Also, according to University of Phoenix Appendix B (2012),PEACE also strives to reducing the occurrence of sexual assault and domestic violence by educating the abused and the community and proposing ways to fight against social norms and beliefs. It will reside in the city of Portland, a large metropolitan city, that has been experiencing a rise in reports of not only domestic, spousal, and child abuse, but also youth violence, assault, and road rage over the last five years. PEACE is looking for funding from the National Foundation’s funding program and by doing so strives promote the well-being of people whose lives have been affected by domestic violence, improve the quality of life of families with a member in prison, provide people who are (or have been) involved with the criminal justice system with a rehabilitation program where they can obtain the skills and support networks needed to lead fulfilled lives. â€Å"The Small Grants Program offers one-time grants of up to $5,000 to registered charities with an annual budget under $500,000 and the Investor Program is an innovative funding program designed to support six organizations under each of the objectives of the Supporting Families program, with up to $150,000 a year for up to 3 years† (University of Phoenix, 2012, para. 11). The program needs not only proper funding but the ability to allocate that funding in ways that will benefit the community in the fastest and most effective way possible. Because of this, PEACE will be looking into alternative funding. The Community Innovation Challenge is one of the most important ways PEACE will try and obtain nontraditional funding. The Community Innovation Challenge is a grant program that gives approved organizations money so they can enact faster and more efficient ways of serving and bettering the community. This kind of funding would benefit PEACE because a domestic violence agency like PEACE is helpful to the community on so many levels children to adults to those looking to be rehabilitated. PEACE would be a prime candidate for this grant because of this reason and the money would be used to assist workers in their education on the matters at hand as well as paying for more workers if the organization gets too large for the current staff amount. PEACE will also be looking into outsourcing and setting up charity booths at frequently visited locations like outside a grocery store or at a shopping center. Sending emails and/or letters to local businesses, companies, and even other organizations looking for financial assistance, ideas, and information is definitely helpful and it also allows smaller businesses to get their name on the map and helping out the organization if they were to become something like a sponsor. Setting up charity booths also allows people from many different walks of life to see my program’s cause and contribute something, anything, if they can. Funding from these two sources can normally be used in many ways but it is also not always a large amount. Access to smaller amounts of funding gives PEACE ways to buy low cost items when they are affordable. Things like more seating, chair cushions, water tanks, even coffee and muffins All these things can help people feel more welcome and safe which is important with organizations like PEACE. Signing up for a few free subscription/database-type sites will give access to funds as well. These websites allow a program to look for nontraditional sources of funding as well as give them updates for when new opportunities come up that apply to the program. This is especially helpful for busy programs that may not have the man power to go out and hunt for funding sources while also working with the program as much as The mission of the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency is to reduce victim trauma, empower survivors, and promote recovery through direct services. Their curriculum is based largely around the need of the community and they set out to provide the best, most varied care they can. Starting with professionally trained staff who are looked over by a small administration PEACE locates those in need of assistance and brings them to a place where those needs can be met on an individual basis as well as on a group basis. The stakeholders for PEACE start with the administration and staff of the agency who put themselves on the line taking care of their clients and looking for sources of funding to make sure things are taken care of. Staff and administration need to have their physical and mental needs taken care of and provided for so they can then provide for the community. This may mean more staff need to be trained and employed to keep everyone at the top of their game or the spaces available for clients needs to be cut so staff do not find themselves over-taxed. Domestic abuse is a very serious thing and it cannot be taken lightly by anyone. One false step – be it a forgotten case notebook, a less-than-attentive staff member, or what have you – can severely endanger the clients. It is imperative that the clients are put into the hands of fully educated, completely able staff. A majority of funding sources are open only to non-profit, 501(c)3 organizations. These organizations must also be in good standing to receive funds and therefore PEACE is eligible to apply for this type of funding. A private foundation is deemed to be any non-profit that supports the work of public charities through the award of grants (2009). In order to receive funds a foundation is required to file a Form 1023 with the IRS. Form 1023 is a 28 page form gives the IRS the information they need to conduct audits of the foundation’s activities. The duty of staff and the administration is to make sure the program meets the requirements of the funders constantly because they would lose funding if they have anything that presents itself as a conflict of interest of it there is anything going on that the funders do not like (2009). Non-profit organizations and their boards are bound to very strict rules and therefore discrimination against an individual or treating a group better than another individual or group can result in the foundation being shut down. Records of a program must be maintained in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), including the filing of an annual Form 990 with the IRS. All members of the staff and management are responsible to the rules for non-profits. Documentation has to be well understood and applied consistently and correctly. The administrators of PEACE have to find evaluators that can ensure the evaluations show an honest picture of the group effort, effectiveness, and c ontribution to the community so granters can rely on the information provided. The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act is an example of such a funding foundation that can create such a picture. Their mission is to decrease the occurrence of domestic abuse as well as to increase well-being and progress in society as a whole. This foundation is federally funded often pulling in quite a few million dollars that are then allocated to them by the government as well as allocated to sister organizations and other funding opportunities. Being federally funded there is a close eye on the limited resources of the foundation so the funders can be sure the money is spent in the most effective manner to benefit the greatest number of people. The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act serves organizations and people all over the United. The foundation has control over where their money is used and they try to concentrate their focus on organizations that will benefit the community around them the most. They, more specifically, tend to fund essential services that sit at the core of ending domestic violence. Emergency shelters, hotlines, and advocacy as well as primary and secondary prevention are all looked at highly. Another stakeholder in the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency is the community itself. Community evaluation will be an active part of the results that affect ongoing funding by attending the program, first of all, and also by giving feedback on the effectiveness of this program and the staff of said program in their community. The input of the community needs to be taken into consideration when looking at progress evaluations and data that has been collected before making decisions to change, mend, or modify the program. Community member have the biggest input on when, where, and how group sessions are bei ng held and, more importantly, when, where, and how private sessions are being held. Children cannot be expected to want to sit through late meetings, parents may not have time during the day because of work†¦ There are so many factors that need to be looked at in order to please the wants and needs of the community. This will be important also keep constant monitoring of to allow individuals and families to have time for different kinds of activities and help, as well as to allow the help they’ve currently received (or have been receiving) to process and sink in. However, the community cannot affect or change the goals of funding institutions. Therefore, they have to work with the funder’s restrictions and requirements so that no single group is held in a higher spot on the list of things that need funding or the list of people that need assistance. Every one of the stakeholders at PEACE Domestic Violence Agency has an effect on the design and implementation of the program. The community, the clients, the staff and finally the administration all s hare a common goal and they all hold the progress and fate of the program in their hands. They all want to see an improvement in the society, they all want to see higher quality of life, and they all want someone (even themselves) to feel safe when they go to sleep at night. This means strong staff, an introduction of life skills, increased community involvement, increased collaboration with funders and the state, a reduction in high risk behaviors, and a decrease in the amount of reported domestic abuse cases. By taking these things into account PEACE Domestic Violence Agency will be a long lasting, effective program. Program planning and evaluation process can provide opportunities for program improvement because they will catch instances of the program not meeting the expectations of the funders, workers, and the community. It is vital for PEACE to carefully create a program plan because, with an organization that is helping a myriad of kinds of victims of domestic abuse, it is easy to give the wrong message to workers and the community. PEACE also provides assistance to people who are looking to be rehabilitated so it would be bad for them if their organization came off as only being there to help the hurt or, in my opinion, even worse: As being there to make sure the people know they did wrong but not actually help them. The evaluation process can keep track of the kinds of clients they get and also what places might need improvement. As the manager of a program anything that improves efficiency and the method for delivery of the service is helpful and those can be found through the evaluation process. As a funder, you would have every right to speak up if you thought your money was not being well spent. This comes into play first in the program planning because if you are looking for a specific kind of program you can gladly put forth an effort to make that happen whether it be with time, money, or both. It also comes into play with the evaluation process. As a funder it would be part of your responsibility to check where funds are going and when and to check if there are more efficient and helpful ways of delivering the funds and how they are spent. Outcome Measure: Reduce the amount of domestic violence report, to assist people and families in dealing with life after abuse, and to help with rehabilitation and reintroduction. * Baseline Data: Portland has experienced increasing reports of domestic and youth violence, spousal and child abuse, assault, and incidents of road rage over the last 5 years. * Evaluation Design: Trained observers, staff * Source of Information/Instrument(s): Police reports, reports from other domestic abuse locations * Who Will Collect the Data: Collection of data will be done by a small team of staff specifically brought together to gather and process data. * Timing of Data Collection: Overall data collection every three months (to look for progress) with an update to data made every forty-five days. * Population or Sample: Population (Applicable men, women and children of Portland) * How Will the Data be Described/Analyzed: Total new/repeat counts of domestic abuse in the form of percentages (increase or decrease) Process Measure: Number of staff trained to handle the abused * Source of Information/Instrument(s): Training sign-in sheets * Who Will Collect the Data: Administration assistant will help participants sign-in * Timing of Data Collection: Before the training session * Population or Sample: Population (all participants) * How Will the Data be Described/Analyzed: Total number of staff properly trained. Process Measure: Number of sessions delivered per group * Source of Information/Instrument(s): Staff session logs * Who Will Collect the Data: Staff * Timing of Data Collection: During and after each session * Population or Sample: Population (all staff will fill out session logs) * How Will the Data be Described/Analyzed: Frequency of sessions per group per staff, as well as an average frequency of sessions across the board. Process Measure: Measures of program fidelity * Source of Information/Instrument(s): Trained observers, staff checklists, client surveys * Who Will Collect the Data: Trained observers, staff, and clients * Timing of Data Collection: Trained observers will attend one session per group each month and staff and clients will fill out biweekly checklists and surveys * Population or Sample: Population (All staff and willing clients as well as observers) * How Will the Data be Described/Analyzed: Qualitative data from observations and data collected from checklists and surveys will be compiled, summarized, and given to administration to show who is being passionate and faithful to the cause as well as what improvements need to be made and where. This evaluation plan will include process evaluation, outcome evaluations, formative evaluations, and summative evaluations. Process evaluations will evaluate all procedures and tasks involved with implementing these programs. Process evaluations will also monitor the program and ensure feedback throughout the length of the program. This is exceptionally beneficial when running a program that is solely need-based and those needs only discovered through dealing with the clients the program is trying to help. Without feedback process cannot be made and goals, no matter how small, cannot be achieved. By performing process evaluations on the effectiveness of the groups as well as the staff themselves and comparing that to data collected by clients the best possible steps can be made towards the goal reducing the effect of domestic violence on Portland. Outcome evaluations will collect quantitative and qualitative data from ongoing programs to document any short-term results that have been achieved as well as open doors to any new short-term goals and changes that have to be made to current ones. Task-focused results such as the number of staff who put their name on the sign-up sheet to be trained, how many clients return, and how many young adults seek help with rehabilitation on their own describe the output of the activity and short-term results, like the percentage of clients that are willing to fill out an end-of-session survey, describe the immediate effects of the program on the community. Information such as an increase in knowledge, changed in attitude, and behavioral shifts are part of a long list of data that can be discovered after an outcome evaluation. Outcome evaluations will come in handy the most when trying to figure out if the community is being reached properly and clients are being treated as best as they can be. It will also be helpful determining what activities are out-of-date or just plain not helpful anymore and what activities can take their place. Formative evaluations, which include pre-testing and competency exams, allow an organization to assess the strengths and weaknesses in their approach to their goals, staff, target audience for their services, and even their advertising campaign! Formative evaluations also help an organization discover if any changes need to be made, if they can be made, or if the program is not going to succeed. By testing messages, products, and services on small groups also helps an organization work out kinks before implementing it on a larger scale. By taking the data gained from a finished formative evaluation an organization can get a better idea of their company, its workers, and its clients and will help them decide if it is better to sink, or hopefully more often, swim. Summative evaluations include any combination of measurements and judgments that allow conclusions about the impact, outcome, and benefits of a program or method. Allowing an organization to stick to such an out of the box, abstract, non-linear form of evaluating it can pick and chose what will get them the most information the fastest. This can be, by far, the most efficient way to help an organization make progress. With an organization that has a lot of different sections, like this one, it can produce the best progress reports because there is not a single mainline format that has to be followed; Just whatever works. I believe I would find pre-post surveys with questions that have people rate things one through five, attendance sheets, and tally sheets to keep record of happenings the most useful. In an organization that has sections that help polar opposite cases (e.g. young adults straight from walking the line of a criminal who wish to find assistance in becoming rehabilitated and young mothers who have been abused and who have children who were abused that are looking for help with learning how to get through their fears and move on with life) there cannot be one set way to document things. Surveys will always be near the top of the data collecting tools list because people can put whatever they want however they want and can truly express themselves if they so chose. An organization cannot necessarily ask two groups, like the two mentioned above, â€Å"How did you feel when the counselor asked you to talk about your personal experiences with being abused,† because the young adult who is looking to be rehabilitated may not have been abused. Attendance sheets are a very important part of an organization as well because it will allow the organization to know how many people they are reaching and if they need to step their game up or not. References Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (2013). procurement/working-for-you/community-innovation-challenge-grant/. Retrieved from challenge-grant/ National Network to End Domestic Violence. (2012). Family Violence Prevention Services Act. Retrieved from United States Interagency Council on Homelessnes. (2011). Family Violence Prevention and Services Act. Retrieved from University of Phoenix. (2012). Appendix B. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HSM270 Program Planning and Grant Proposal Writing in Human Services website. Weill Cornell Medical College. (2013).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

frosts early poems :: essays research papers

To refer to a group of Frost's poems as "early" is perhaps problematic: One is tempted to think of the term as relative given that Frost's first book of poetry appeared when he was already 39. Moreover, Frost's pattern of withholding poems from publication for long periods of time makes dating his work difficult. Many of the poems of the first book, A Boy's Will, were, in fact, written long before--a few more than a decade earlier. Likewise, Frost's later books contain poems almost certainly written in the period discussed in this note. The "Early Poems" considered here are a selection of well known verses published in the eleven years (1913-1923) spanned by Frost's first four books: A Boy's Will, North of Boston, Mountain Interval, and New Hampshire. Frost famously likened the composition of free-verse poetry to playing tennis without a net: it might be fun, but it "ain't tennis." You will find only tennis in the poems that follow. And yet, even while Frost worked within form, he also worked the form itself, shaping it by his choice of language and his use of variation. He invented forms, too, when the poem required it. A theme in Frost's work is the need for some, but not total, freedom--for boundaries, too, can be liberating for the poet, and Frost perhaps knew this better than anyone: No American poet has wrought such memorable, personally identifiable, idiosyncratic poetry from such self-imposed, often traditional formulae. In these "early" years, Frost was concerned with perfecting what he termed "the sound of sense." This was "the abstract vitality of our speech...pure sound-- pure form": a rendering, in words, of raw sensory perception. The words, the form of the words, and the sounds they encode are as much the subject of the poem as the subject is. Frost once wrote in a letter that to be a poet, one must "learn to get cadences by skillfully breaking the sounds of sense with all their irregularity of accent across the regular beat of the metre." Thus, we read "Mowing" and simultaneously hear the swishing and whispering of the scythe; upon reading "Stopping by the Woods," one clearly hears the sweep of easy wind and downy flake; to read "Birches" is to vividly sense the breezy stir that cracks and crazes the trees' enamel. Most of the lyrics treated in this note are relatively short, but Frost also pioneered the long dramatic lyric (represented here by "Home Burial").

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Important Symbols of Taoism

Throughout history, Taoism has been one of the most influential religions in the Eastern culture. It is one of the most unique of all religions. In fact, many Taoists do not even consider it as a religion, and in many ways it is not. They make no claim that Tao exists. Although very different from others, Taoism also has very important unique symbols. Yin yang diagram, the most important symbol of Taoist represents the movement of heaven or the Tao. The small dots represent the fact that there is good in the evil, as there is evil in the good. Another important symbol of Taoism is the eight trigrams or pakua.Last but not least the dragon is one of the yang symbols, which represents the power, sage and saint. The Yin Yang sign is an old symbol for the universe that has been combined. It shows the two opposing dimensions that give the world its dynamics. It’s used to describe how seemingly contrary forces are joined and dependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to e ach other in turn. Opposites thus only exist in relation to one another. Male and female, light and dark, hot and cold, are thought as demonstration of Yin Yang. The outer circle represents the universe to which all exists.There is a belief that Yin Yang link to good and evil. Taoism believes that even in the most innocent nice people there is evil within them, and even the devil has good inside of him. The eight trigrams of pakua is a group of symbols that hold profound meaning in Chinese philosophy. These symbols represent movement and change. Each of the trigrams is associated with a season, family member, animal, personality, etc. They are ordered into two different arrangements. Primary heaven and future heaven. The arrangements represent the four basic and four minor directions on the compass. South is first at the top.Whichever symbol is at the top represents South. The primary heaven arrangement is organized based on opposite forces. The primary Heaven arrangement is organiz ed on the cyclic nature of the world. The eight trigrams are Heaven-Sky-Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Lake Valley, and Mountain. Lastly, the Yin Yang dragons combine really powerful ideas. The yang dragons radiate a bright, positive charge. This energy is really physical, and often, brave, and outgoing. The Yin dragon’s energy is totally the opposite. Influenced by the planet Venus, Yin dragons release a negative energy.This darker type of energy is usually in a female nature. No matter what the religion is, symbols play a big role. There is profound meaning into such insignificant objects. The Yin Yang diagram, the most important symbol of Taoism, the eight trigrams of pakua that represent movement and change, and the powerful Yin Yang dragons. Citations: . Center of Traditional Taos. . Cdot. org. 26 Nov. 2010. Zhou GuoXin. . Important Symbols of Taoism Throughout history, Taoism has been one of the most influential religions in the Eastern culture. It is one of the most unique of all religions. In fact, many Taoists do not even consider it as a religion, and in many ways it is not. They make no claim that Tao exists. Although very different from others, Taoism also has very important unique symbols. Yin yang diagram, the most important symbol of Taoist represents the movement of heaven or the Tao. The small dots represent the fact that there is good in the evil, as there is evil in the good. Another important symbol of Taoism is the eight trigrams or pakua.Last but not least the dragon is one of the yang symbols, which represents the power, sage and saint. The Yin Yang sign is an old symbol for the universe that has been combined. It shows the two opposing dimensions that give the world its dynamics. It’s used to describe how seemingly contrary forces are joined and dependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to e ach other in turn. Opposites thus only exist in relation to one another. Male and female, light and dark, hot and cold, are thought as demonstration of Yin Yang. The outer circle represents the universe to which all exists.There is a belief that Yin Yang link to good and evil. Taoism believes that even in the most innocent nice people there is evil within them, and even the devil has good inside of him. The eight trigrams of pakua is a group of symbols that hold profound meaning in Chinese philosophy. These symbols represent movement and change. Each of the trigrams is associated with a season, family member, animal, personality, etc. They are ordered into two different arrangements. Primary heaven and future heaven. The arrangements represent the four basic and four minor directions on the compass. South is first at the top.Whichever symbol is at the top represents South. The primary heaven arrangement is organized based on opposite forces. The primary Heaven arrangement is organiz ed on the cyclic nature of the world. The eight trigrams are Heaven-Sky-Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Lake Valley, and Mountain. Lastly, the Yin Yang dragons combine really powerful ideas. The yang dragons radiate a bright, positive charge. This energy is really physical, and often, brave, and outgoing. The Yin dragon’s energy is totally the opposite. Influenced by the planet Venus, Yin dragons release a negative energy.This darker type of energy is usually in a female nature. No matter what the religion is, symbols play a big role. There is profound meaning into such insignificant objects. The Yin Yang diagram, the most important symbol of Taoism, the eight trigrams of pakua that represent movement and change, and the powerful Yin Yang dragons. Citations: . Center of Traditional Taos. . Cdot. org. 26 Nov. 2010. Zhou GuoXin. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reflection Paper on the Movie the Flowers of War in Relation to Metaphysics and Ethics

Is life after death possible? Are the things beyond our perceptions lie in a factual basis? Moral relativists would say â€Å"whatever is good to you is only good for you, whatever is good to me, is good to me alone†. So if we believe on things like heaven or hell—two places we’ve never been, never saw, hear, touch, smell or taste. No one would say we are wrong, that such place does not exist, because for those of us who believe it does exist, in the mind which can understand and abstract ideas. The Chinese film released last year show evidences of people who believe on things even if it cannot be perceived, some lines in the movie reveal the characters’ strong conviction, they are not therefore skeptic, also different ethics on how they handle death, react on different situations, and how their attitude is affected by the war. â€Å"Don’t do anything foolish. So many people have died. Even hell is packed. Why should you add to the crowd† -Yu Mo If the speaker believes in hell, she probably believe in its opposite too. In terms of metaphysics it is life after death. Even if the person is no longer physically and mentally able to give signs of being conscious, as a part of a religion or belief this particular person still lives on in a place called the after-death world or another part of the universe. â€Å"Father Ingleman, fly away† –George Chen â€Å"I can’t have a priest staring at me while I’m sleeping. † –John Miller The convent boy (George) was saying his last words for Father Ingleman (the dead priest). He was like talking to someone who is actually standing in front of him. They were treating the dead as if it’s still alive, that the priest is looking over them even if it is just a picture. For George on the other hand, he owes the priest his being alive, because he was just an orphan and for him flipping the picture would be like disrespecting the memories of Father Ingleman. A conversation between Shu and his father Mr. Meng, shows how deep love a parent can give his child even at war. Mr. Meng sacrificed himself to the Japanese by joining them even if it is unsafe for him to do so. Shu’s father thinks that through his action he could probably save himself and his daughter. He’d done it for his child, and it pains him that his child cannot see his efforts to save her. Instead of being treated well, his child looked down on his father and regarded him as a traitor, despite the coldness that Shu shows to his father, Mr. Meng still managed to do what a father is expected to do for his child even if it meant putting himself to risk; for risking himself is the least thing that he could do just as to protect and ensure that his child is secured. On burying the convent girls who died when the Japanese attempted to rape them, John Miller hoped that these girls won’t be lonely because he will bury them together. It shows that, he believes that those girls will live together somewhere, and by being together, they can live it happily. In this case, burial of the death will be the last kind thing that happened to them. Being buried formally, is like a solace, a privilege given, because not everyone gets a chance to be have a place to rest in times of war. â€Å"I think I hear what your father is saying right now†¦ I think he’s saying that you’ve done an incredible job taking care of the girls and that you’re good, so good. – John Miller This is when George Chen volunteered himself to fill up the thirteenth girl that needs to attend the â€Å"party†. He unselfishly did it to fulfill his promise to Father Ingleman that he will protect the girls no matter what it takes, even if it means dying or suffering in the hands of the Japanese. Even though the father does not have a physical entity he thinks that the priest is watching over him that’s why he did not broke his promise to the priest even if he is no longer present. Even if Father Ingleman is dead, for George, this promise will make the priest happy. On the first part of the reading by C. J Ducasse he said that when we all accept the fact that we are all going to die in some point of our lives we tend to help our fellows in this journey to make it easier, this act draws us closer and makes us more sympathetic to each other. In the movie, when the convent girls were about to commit suicide, some of the Chinese prostitutes’ unintentionally volunteered themselves to go into the â€Å"party†. After the incident they had a debate on whether they would really go or not. â€Å"They want pleasure. That’s what we do. We have experienced all kinds of men As long as we get out alive. We will find a way to survive. –Yu Mo Even at first they were unsure of their decision because they thought that risking their lives was not worth it, eventually these women have accepted their fate. Even if they know something bad might happen to them they did go anyway, they have sacrificed their lives just to save the purity, innocence and most especially the lives of the convent girls. For them it would be like a trade? their lives which they think is already wasted, over the lives of the convent girls which can be made better, and lives in which they could live on to appreciate and experience all the good the world could offer in the future. Prostitutes never care about a falling nation. They sing and dance while others are dying†¦ we should do something heroic and change the old way of thinking. †-Yu Mo â€Å"Please tell him (John) the studen ts can’t end up in the hands of the Japanese. Otherwise my soldiers would have died for nothing† –Major Li With the heroic deed that they’ve done, the Chinese women and the soldiers realized that even if they could die at least they have done something good and their death would not mean â€Å"nothing†. It is an action that will live forever in the convent girl’s hearts and a memory that once in their lives someone surrendered in exchange of their freedom and they would forever be grateful for they were given a chance to live longer. â€Å"Until this day, I still don’t know what happened to the women of the Qin Huai River, I never learned all their names and never saw them being taken away by the Japanese. So I always imagine†¦ I imagine myself standing by the large round window watching them walk in once again. –Shu For Shu, the women will never be gone, because she didn’t know what exactly happened to them, a part of her is still hoping that they are still and they will never be gone. These women will remain in her heart, because of the one thing they’ve done not only for her but also to her friends. The women of the Qin Huai River never walked out of her life; they just came in and never left even if they can no longer see them. In the fil m, we cannot deny the fact that the Japanese soldiers demonstrated brutality. For them, one shot was not enough to kill people. In those times, their work ethics involves them being violent over enemy and even towards women. They don’t value life anymore, as long as these civilians â€Å"cross† their lines, they are shot. To sum it up, the movie teaches the viewers different lessons. Sometimes, we should not be frightened to the idea of death. Because life comes only once, you should live it fully. Life is about living it. It’s what you do while you are still able. It is also what you can do to help others. For some, the physical entity may perish, but the memories will retain in the hearts of the people you helped, and this is what matters.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

AmeriCares Organization

AmeriCares Organization Free Online Research Papers Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to help provide access to medicines across the world by contributing to AmeriCares organization. Contributing to AmeriCares can help break the cycle of diseases and death that affect millions of women and children. Attention: I. For every medicine or drug that helps you recover from your sickness, there are millions of women and children are dying from the very same disease or virus. A. Forced to take refuge in temporary camps, two million Sudanese without homes are greatly influenced to many diseases and illnesses. B. Places like Senegal, there is only one doctor for every 2,000 people where not much attention is given toward health care for the elderly. II. By making a contribution to the AmeriCares organization, children across the poor countries can receive the attention and medicine they need for survival. A. Children and women in the millions are suffering from lack of food, health care, and shelter. B. Today, worldwide one billion people lack access to sanitary drinking water and in each year, 2.2 million most of who are from developing countries die from diseases associated from poor water and sanitary conditions. C. In total, eleven million children die annually and 26 million adults die are dying from the same diseases. III. Today, I would like to encourage you to become active and make a difference in the lives of millions around the world through the AmeriCares organization. Need: I. Millions of children in developing countries struggle because there is a lack of medicines and health care. A. Most of the women and children come from countries from the Middle East including Lebanon and Syria, and Asia including Cambodia where people can not afford health care, and in Mongloia where 24% of the children under the age of five lack Vitamin D meaning many children have bone problems. B. Women and children struggle because of the medicines are not available within 100 miles, medicines are counterfeit, and or too expensive for those who are in need. II. Lack of food causes malnutrition. A. In 2004, 40% of children in Vietnam under the age of five are underweight. B. Since then AmeriCares and the GAO Diem Foundation dropped the percentage from 41% to 14%. Satisfaction: I. Groups and organizations such as AmeriCares can help break the terrible cycle of deaths of women and children across the developing world. A. Each $100 donated enables AmeriCares to deliver more then $3000 in emergency relief, including medicines, medical supplies, clothing, footwear, blankets, and nutritional supplements. B. Since its founding, AmeriCares has provided more than six billion dollars of aid to 137 countries all over the world. II. AmeriCares humanity also reaches in the United States. A. Reach out to the uninsured to through AmeriCares Free Clinics B. Those in need of home repair due to damage from hurricanes and earthquakes are helped through AmeriCares HomeFront C. To those children infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS work through the Camp Amerikids. Visualization: I. AmeriCares has an impressive record for being a truly effective organization. A. AmeriCares has extended out to 137 countries to aid in relief of six billion dollars. B. Internal and external organizations that help AmeriCares ensures that all of the funds are properly received and managed for each child or adult in need. II. AmeriCares was recently rated a four out of five star rating for being one of the most efficient charities in the non profit sections. A. Donations of medicines, medical supplies, and other relief materials come from some of the most highly respected pharmaceutical companies and other corporations around the US and Europe. B. Two warehouses, one in Europe and one in the U.S. store materials and make them available for immediate and continual shipment by sea or by air around the world. Action: I. I encourage each of you to make a contribution effort to the AmeriCares organization. A. Each dollar donated helps victims of land disasters, and diseases get there attention that they need and deserve. B. More than 1000 corporate sponsors have partnered with AmeriCares to provide life-saving aid in the form of medicines, vitamins, surgical and hospital equipment, disaster relief supplies, water purifiers, and vaccines to those in need. II. As the AmeriCares model states, the success of AmeriCares has been characterized by the response, meaningful impact, high integrity, and passion for the work of the people in need. Research Papers on AmeriCares OrganizationInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductDefinition of Export QuotasGenetic EngineeringHip-Hop is Art19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraTwilight of the UAWRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and

Monday, October 21, 2019

Swatting Should I Care Professor Ramos Blog

Swatting Should I Care Have you heard of the incident where the guy that died at his doorstep from the police and he wasn’t even armed? Did you know he was an innocent, unarmed father? He died from a hoax emergency call that has become a new trend known as swatting. Pranksters wanted payback on the other guy that was beating him on the game ‘Call of Duty.’ That guy was Andrew Finch he wasn’t even involved with video games; he was just a father of two young kids. Swatting is a hoax phone call to emergency services with an extreme, violent fake story to send police forces to raid the victims house. There are a tremendous amount of swatting incident, that same of the victim that have been swatted don’t want to come out on camera to avoid being a target again. There have been also swatters that have been caught and most of them are paying the price. Sending out the swat team cost around $10,000 for the equipment trucks itself. Do to the fact that most of the swatters are out o f state and are international swatting isn’t a big deal for them. For example, ‘obnoxious’ was a swatter that targeted female twitch streamers but was from Canada and a minor. Most of the bills that have passed have been only when the swatting has already occurred. In order to combat swatting the government should pass laws that would try swatters. The most targeted people that swatters go after, celebrity’s, streamers, female teens and gamers. U.S. Rep. Katherina Clark saw swatting being an issue after the fact that Matthew Weignman and similar hackers would us the swat team as their toys. U.S. Rep Ted Lieu would also see swatting as a problem do to the fact of celebrity’s were having their houses raid from swat team because of Mir Islam targeting them. Those two states have passed a bill against swatting but the other states are not informed on the issue and until something drastically happens they’ll do something about it. Eric Brumfield has mentioned in his article that â€Å"there have been more than 400 swatting call nationwide.† (Brumfield) I agree that there’s been more than 400 swatting calls including the recent one that happen on July 15 in California. FouseyTube is a Arab YouTuber that has created prank back in 2015 then moved onto vlogs. Recently he decided to renovate the Hollywo od Bowl but was shut down over a hoax call saying there’s a bomb treat. It’s still a problem that people that go online know about it. The most serious case was on a swatter name obnoxious a 15-year-old that was lived in Canada. FBI Finley would discover ‘obnoxious’ location but wasn’t able to fly to his location to arrest him including the fact that his a minor and Canada has different laws there then here. Obnoxious was arrested multiple time only to be released on bail as Canada didn’t see swatting as a crime. The fact that other countries have not really in countered with swatting as much as the U.S has it doesn’t matter to them. That’s why I would propose a law that would let swatters to be sent to the U.S to be tried in court for the crimes that they caused making hoax emergency calls. A swatter perspective they see swatting as a joke that get a laugh about the situation leaving a mark like â€Å"don’t fuck with me because I know where you live†. Its intimidating that the swatter gets to play with law enforcement that an actual problem can be going on. The government should see this as a problem as it happened more than 400 times and just to deploy the swat cost $10,000. According to Danny Gold a journalist from Vice News that interviewed Sgt. Edward Ciempola. U.S. Rep Katerina Clark proposed the ‘Interstate Swatting Hoax Act’ against swatting being the consequences very severe. Stating in Sec.2 1041, 1-4 that the suspect can be fined or imprisoned no more than 5 years or less, if the victim results bodily injured the suspect would serve 20 years or less, if a result in death the suspect can result to life in prison. But who really cares? Who besides me and a handful of swat members have a stake in these claims? At very least, the agents who formally believed that swatters should be extradition to the state that are causing problems too. Minor in particular should be trialed as adults as they to cost the state, the police forces thousands. Annotated bib Using the ‘Interstate Swatting Hoax Act’ has given me a better understanding of the bill that was passed in Massachusetts. U.S Rep Katherina Clark was really ferrous when being swatted that really punishes these swatters. Rep. Clark, Katherina, â€Å"Interstate Swatting Hoax Act† ‘congress gov’ (11/18/2015) Vice News goes over swatting very will interviewing Sgt. Edward Ciempola of how swat take their job very seriously as no one knows is it’s a real problem or a hoax. They also have evidence of how a swatter would call the police and how violent they sounded. Gold, Danny â€Å"Police Militarization meets Hacker Culture: Swatting† Vice News (Jun 5, 2014) Brumfield give main point of how to stop swatting of much the cost is and the statistics of how many times it has occurred. Actually using legal background of whats a already a crime that can relate to swatting and on why it would be taken seriously. Brumfield, Eric, â€Å"Chapter 284: Deterring and Paying for Prank 911 Calls That Generate a Swat Team Response.† 45 McGeorge L. Rev. 585 (2014). ‘Swatting’ and Punishment is a informative new article that summarizes Kansas incident. Using Katherine Clark bill of how she dealing with swatting in Massachusetts with extreme consequences. The author also explains how the police officer was in the wrong for jumping on the trigger to fast. But yet again the call that was made was really bad that the officers were dealing with a big threat. â€Å"Swatting’ and Punishment.† Los Angeles Times, 04 Jan, 2018, pp.A.8 SIRS Issues Rearchers,

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pros and Cons of Part-Time MBA Programs

Pros and Cons of Part-Time MBA Programs There are many different types of MBA programs - from part-time and full-time programs to accelerated and dual programs. A part-time MBA program is designed primarily for students who are only able to attend class part-time. It is important to understand that the words part-time dont mean barely any time. If you commit to a part-time program, you will still need to make a significant time commitment to school - even if you dont have to attend class every single day. It is not unusual for part-time students to spend more than three to four hours each day on MBA schoolwork and activities. Part-time MBA programs are popular. More than half of all MBA students attend school part-time, according to a recent study from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business  (AACSB). But that doesnt mean that part-time study is for everyone. Before you commit yourself to earning your degree through part-time study, you should be aware of all of the pros and cons of part-time MBA programs. Pros of Part-Time MBA Programs There are many advantages to studying part-time. Some of the biggest pros of part-time MBA programs include: Part-time MBA programs are more flexible for working professionals; classes are usually scheduled outside normal business hours.Some part-time MBA programs require fewer course credits than their full-time counterparts.Part-time programs are typically favored by employers who offer  tuition reimbursement.Many part-time MBA programs schedule courses all year long.Part-time programs tend to cause less strain financially because tuition is sometimes cheaper.Part-time MBA students can apply what they learn as they learn it.There are many high-quality part-time MBA programs inside and outside the United States. Read more about the best part-time MBA programs. Cons of Part-Time MBA Programs Although there are advantages to part-time MBA programs, there are drawbacks as well. The biggest cons of part-time MBA programs include: Not every school offers a part-time MBA program, which means you may not be able to attend your first school of choice.Some part-time programs offer fewer course selections than their full-time counterparts.Part-time programs require fewer class hours each week but sometimes take as long as two to five years to complete.Credits that are earned through a part-time MBA program are not always transferable to other programs.Many part-time MBA programs schedule courses all year long.Working while you earn your part-time MBA can be exhausting - especially if it will take you more than two years to earn your degree.Not all part-time MBA programs offer a study abroad option or international experience, which is increasingly valuable in todays global business world. Should You Study Part-Time? Part-time programs may be the perfect solution for students who want to work while they earn their degree, but they arent for everyone. Be sure to take time to evaluate all of your business degree program options, including accelerated MBA programs, specialized masters programs, and executive MBA programs, before you commit yourself to any one program option.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

ART - Essay Example In this case, one can definitely say that the painting is not at all beautiful. On the other hand, if the painter uses same color shades all over the body parts, that painting can be considered as a beautiful one. In short, color combination plays an important role in deciding whether an artwork is good or bad. Different societies perceive beauty differently. For example, earrings, bracelets, chains, bangles etc are considered as beauty enhancing materials in some societies whereas in other societies, such things are not at all considered so. For example, David Beckham wears an earring in one ear. For many British and European people, that earring is definitely enhancing the beauty of David Beckham. â€Å"According to the BBC, "more lads than ever are buying jewellery - not for their girlfriends, but for themselves. Experts think it is because they are being influenced by famous kings of Bling, like David Beckham and rappers† (To pierce? Why pierce? He pierced). It is not necessary that an Indian or Chinese may consider the earring of Beckham as a beauty enhancing ornament. Many people do believe that earring enhance the beauty of females rather than that of the males. In short, beauty is highly individualistic and subjective and the perceptions of it vary from societies to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Management and Leadership Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management and Leadership Development - Essay Example This study looks into management is fundamentally a human social craft necessitating the ability to interpret the wants and thoughts of others. On the other hand, leadership has been defined as an influence relationship among followers and leaders who are determined to introduce real changes reflecting their mutual purposes. However, some authors have commented that leadership is nothing more than a romantic myth based on untrue and unrealistic hopes and expectations. A number of management approaches have been developed to address contemporary ideas in the leadership and management development. For example, Longenceker and Neubert contend that the constant state of change has diminished the potential for actual long term benefits. However, they fail to realise that the change has become an internal part of today’s business environment and there is no way to avoid the presence and implications of the change. Contrary to the above contemporary idea in the management development , a number of authors who believe that with the changing requirements in the organizations, the organizations have welcomed the phenomena of change and have moulded their organizational structure along with the management development. They also maintain that managers face the issues such as more work for less rewards as organizations re-invent themselves in order to remain competitive and attain competitive advantage. Organizations do not survive without appropriately satisfying the needs of all stakeholders including managers. No organization prefers to increase its labour turnover cost under normal circumstances. In the following parts of this literature review, first, definition of management is provided and is followed by the definition of leadership. Subsequent to that, the critical evaluation of the management development has been included before the description of critical evaluation of the leadership development. A summary of literature review is provided after the critical evaluation of leadership development. Definition of Management Management is essentially a human social craft requiring the ability to interpret the thoughts and wants of others who could be employees, competitors, customers or whatever; management is the facility to shape values, meanings and human commitments (Watson 1994, p.223). Moreover, management is responsible for others, maintaining and controlling processes and implementing policies as well. Definition of Leadership Defining leadership has been elusive and complex problem largely because he nature of leadership itself is indistinct (Daft & Lane 2008). Some have even stated that leadership is nothing more than a romantic myth based on false hopes and expectations that someone will come along with an utter ability to solve their issues and problems. However, Rost (1991) defines that leadership is an influence relationship among followers and leaders intending real changes that reflect their mutual objectives. Critical Evalua tion of Management Development Historically, management theory and practice have been largely influenced by the classical approach of Taylor’s scientific management movement, Weber’s bureaucracy and Fayol’s administrative principles (Mighty and Ashton 2003). In these aspects, managers are assumed to be â€Å"heroes† making a considerable positive contribution to organizational effective and performance (Mintzberg 1973, 1975). However, particularly in the last quarter of the twentieth century, this perspective was seriously challenged. Pfeffer (1977) for example, contended that organizational outcomes were significantly attached or linked primarily to a range of external, contextual factors rather than the policies and actions of the organizational leaders. New challenges such as increased competition on a global level, constantly changing technological means along with the growth of information and knowledge age have largely influenced and challenged the traditional methods of managing the organizational

Physics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Physics - Essay Example 3. The balloon would initially be at rest with zero momentum. On release, the gases initially inflated move in one direction and the balloon would move in the opposite direction to acquire equal momentum quantities such that the sum of the vector momenta become zero in line with Newton’s third law of motion that the forces are opposite and equal. 4. Had the rich man been not so miserly, he would have thrown the bag of gold coins so that while the bag glides in one direction, he would be propelled in the opposite direction in line with Newton’s third principle of motion which suggests that he would be propelled at an equal but opposite force to the one used to throw the bag. The ice being frictionless would cause the man not to stop until he reaches the shore. 5. In space, it would be expected that a rocket would have zero momentum as there is no force. To propel and change direction, the rocket thrusters push fuel in one direction and fuel pushes back in the opposite di rection in line with Newton’s third principle of motion. The rocket throws millions of particles from its tail causing it to move in the opposite direction referred to as spacecraft propulsion. Phy 2-1 1. When the jar with orange juice is shaken vigorously, the work done would heat the juice thus increasing the molecules’ kinetic energy. ... 3. a) No. For liquids and solids, the internal energies are complex and would involve potential energies affected by the bonds existing between molecules and atoms. Hence, objects could have same temperature but different internal energies. Similarly, internal energy varies with object mass. When two objects of different temperatures are in contact with each other, there would be transfer of net energy to the colder object from the hotter one no matter their internal energies. b) Yes. For there to be energy transfer, there has to be difference in temperature between two objects, which need not essentially be related to internal energies difference. For a substance to change phase from solid to liquid to gas, energy should be supplied to break the intermolecular interactions. In water, these interactions make it solid as ice. Ice would be hard because the interactions are strongest with the interaction weakening on transformation to steam or gas. When undergoing phase change, energy w ould be consumed to break these interactions as opposed to causing an increase in temperature. As such, the temperature remains constant until that point where all the interactions would be broken. For example, when heat is applied on a block of ice, the temperature of the ice block would rise until it is 00C. The temperature remains constant as the block of ice melts to water as the absorbed heat would be used to break intermolecular bonds as opposed to increasing temperature. The temperature would then rise when all the ice melts to water. Yes. It is possible to convert mechanical energy completely to heat or internal energy. No. The reverse is impossible. According to the second law of thermodynamics, there is no machine that converts heat to mechanical energy hence no 100%

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Historty argumentativ paper -see details in intruc Essay - 1

Historty argumentativ paper -see details in intruc - Essay Example The feminist movement had the greatest impact on American history because it fully brought to light the importance and fairness of gender equality in all aspects of the human life. Prior to the early 1900s, women were regarded as property of their husbands than as individual human beings. Anything that needed to be tended to in the social community or in the political community would be a task for the husband. If a woman were not married, she simply would not play a role in the goings-on, such as voting. Being considered below men, it was believed that women had no reason to vote. While most people were happy with this arrangement, or at least used to it, there were many women who could not wrap their minds around the blatant inequality, so protests began that fought for suffrage. The protests were not centered so much around the fact that women wanted to do what the men were able to do. Rather, these women were more concerned by the idea that they were being thought of as lesser human beings than men, and it was all because of their gender. America, a country that prided itself on the freedoms and opportunities that it offered, was holding back an entire gender and insisting that women were inferior to men and did not deserve the same privileges. The primary reason that women were ever given as to why they could not vote was because politics was considered to be a predominantly masculine business. As such, women had no place in voting, running for office, or having any say in politics. The feminist movement consisted of women who did not believe that the rights and privileges of citizens should be gender-oriented, and they used that belief to fight for something that they felt they honestly deserved. The feminist movement gave women the right to vote, a privilege of being American citizens that they deserved. This success was not simply just changing the minds of those in charge, but it was a success that included making it an amendment of the United States

Nectar Fruit Juices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nectar Fruit Juices - Essay Example During the analyses of different elements and factors, there have been several recommendations made which can be beneficial for the officials of NFJ to discuss, follow, and execute them in their December 2011 meeting. One of the main recommendations made in the light of analysis is the introduction of more flavors of nectar fruit juices that intrigue more of the children under 15 years of age, as the analysis has shown majority of the NFJ users to be under 15 years of age. The report will be consisting of 5 sections in total (including the section 1 of introduction). Second section will be presenting analyses of the data collected through the collection of answers of the questions, where the questions will be discussed and analyzed one by one. Third section will be presenting different options that may be considered by the management for key decision making purposes. The fourth section will be presenting the validity of this analysis and describing the use of this report for future r eferences. The final section will conclude the report and will provide general recommendations. 2. Results and analysis This section will present the findings and analysis based upon the answers taken from all the surveyed students. The section will analyze the questions one by one in the form of subsections, where the results will also be mentioned. 2.1. Racial or ethnic group: The students who were chosen to take part in the questionnaire were of different ethnicities as they mentioned in their survey forms. The final data collected from that scheme has been provided in the form of a pie chart below in figure 1: Figure 1: students’ ethnic groups The figure shows that more than half the students were white or European, as the survey was being filled in a European country. Therefore it was highly likely that majority of the participants will belong to the white community. The second major number participants were the Asians. This is because of the immigration of more than 100 million Asians who are residing in different countries of Europe and its normal perception of Asian people to take part in the social activities in Europe. Other people belonged to West Indian, African, or other ethnicities. 2.2. Ratio of male to female participants: As the graph in figure 2 suggests, the ratio of male to female participants who filled the surveys was nearly 55:45, which means almost an equal number of males and females invited to participate and give their views about NFJ. Figure 2: Male to female ratio of participants. 2.3. Drinks per week by the groups: The data shows different age limits and their consumption of drinks on weekly basis. The data shows the average number of drinks that are consumed by the people of different ages. Referring to the figure 3 given below, the people between 6 to 10 years of age consume the largest number of nectar fruit juices, as this suggests that the children are more intrigued by the tastes and flavors in which these juices are available in the market. Figure 3: Percentage of drinks per week groups The figure also shows that the children of 1 to 5 years of age, as well as the teenage from 11 to 20 years of age also consume NFJ more on weekly basis compared to those who are more than 21 years of age. Another important finding in this graph is that around 13% of the people have claimed to never use the nectar fruit juices. There are two points that this analysis will lead the managers to think about. First one is that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Historty argumentativ paper -see details in intruc Essay - 1

Historty argumentativ paper -see details in intruc - Essay Example The feminist movement had the greatest impact on American history because it fully brought to light the importance and fairness of gender equality in all aspects of the human life. Prior to the early 1900s, women were regarded as property of their husbands than as individual human beings. Anything that needed to be tended to in the social community or in the political community would be a task for the husband. If a woman were not married, she simply would not play a role in the goings-on, such as voting. Being considered below men, it was believed that women had no reason to vote. While most people were happy with this arrangement, or at least used to it, there were many women who could not wrap their minds around the blatant inequality, so protests began that fought for suffrage. The protests were not centered so much around the fact that women wanted to do what the men were able to do. Rather, these women were more concerned by the idea that they were being thought of as lesser human beings than men, and it was all because of their gender. America, a country that prided itself on the freedoms and opportunities that it offered, was holding back an entire gender and insisting that women were inferior to men and did not deserve the same privileges. The primary reason that women were ever given as to why they could not vote was because politics was considered to be a predominantly masculine business. As such, women had no place in voting, running for office, or having any say in politics. The feminist movement consisted of women who did not believe that the rights and privileges of citizens should be gender-oriented, and they used that belief to fight for something that they felt they honestly deserved. The feminist movement gave women the right to vote, a privilege of being American citizens that they deserved. This success was not simply just changing the minds of those in charge, but it was a success that included making it an amendment of the United States

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The hidden meaning of the movie Avatar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The hidden meaning of the movie Avatar - Essay Example The film gives an insight to cultural and religious trends that give rise to the film and the reasons those trends are feared, criticized and resisted enabling them to fight with their own views about the controversy. Like the film itself, Avatar and Nature Spirituality gives a prospect for considering the ongoing struggle to decide how we should live on the home planet and sort sorts of spiritual values and practices in terms of politics and economics would best guide us. The cultural ethnocentrism inherent in the movie is Hinduism. Hinduism believes that Avatar is sent to us for very specific jobs and he is the God Vishnu; the following quote from Gita tells us more about Vishnu; â€Å"Whenever righteousness wanes and unrighteousness increase I send myself forth, for the protection of good and for the destruction of evil †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Gita: 4.7–8) Apart from sharing the same instincts of Vishnu in the movie, it also considers Shiva and Ganesha because according to the Hindu mythology they are also described as the descending in the form of avatars. Bron Taylor, a professor of ecology founded the journal for the study of Religion, Nature and Culture published in 2007, which illuminated the questions like; what are the relationships among human beings and what does the terms religion, nature and culture signify and what is the relationship between species and places which we inhabit etc. This journal illuminated James Cameron, director of Avatar with various facts and elements associated with nature and its meaning.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Have Technology Taken over Some People Lives Essay Example for Free

Have Technology Taken over Some People Lives Essay Is there a concern about people becoming too dependent on technology? Do you think too much technology is too much for your children? Does technology affect the brain? Some of us think that there is a possibility that too much technology is affecting our children. They seem to not get the concept of things. Kids today can’t seem to think in a rational way. Everything done for children is through some type of technology. Technology is taught at such a young age that kids don’t get the opportunity to learn on their own and by the time they arrive teenage it seems to become more evident. Sarah Harris in a MailOne article â€Å"Too much internet use can damage teenagers brains† says, â€Å"Excessive internet use may cause parts of teenagers’ brains to waste away, a study reveals. Scientists discovered signs of atrophy of grey matter in the brains of heavy internet users that grew worse over time. This could affect their concentration and memory, as well as their ability to make decisions and set goals. It could also reduce their inhibitions and lead to ‘inappropriate’ behavior. Researchers took MRI brain scans from 18 university students, aged 19, who spent eight to 13 hours a day playing games online, six days a week. The students were classified as internet addicts after answering eight questions, including whether they had tried to give up using computers and whether they had lied to family members about the amount of time they spent online. compared them with a control group of 18 students who spent fewer than two hours a day on the internet. One set of MRI images focused on grey matter at the brain’s wrinkled surface, or cortex, where the processing of memory, emotions, speech, sight, hearing and motor control occurs. Comparing grey matter between the two groups revealed atrophy within several small regions of all the online addicts’ brains. The scans showed that the longer their internet addiction continued, the ‘more serious’ the damage was. The researchers also found changes in deep-brain tissue called white matter, through which messages pass between different areas of grey matter in the nervous system. These ‘structural abnormalities were probably associated with functional impairments in cognitive control’, they say. The researchers added that these abnormalities could have made the teenagers more ‘easily internet dependent’, but concluded they ‘were the consequence of IAD (internet addiction disorder)’. ‘Our results suggested long-term internet addiction would result in brain structural alterations,’ they said. The study, published in the PLoS ONE journal, was carried out by neuroscientists and radiologists at universities and hospitals in China, where 24million youths are estimated to be addicted to the internet. Wake-up call: Dr Aric Sigman said it was a shame that we needed photos of brains to realise that sitting in front of a screen is not good for childrens health In Britain, children spend an average of five hours and 20 minutes a day in front of TV or computer screens, according to estimates by the market-research agency Childwise. Dr Aric Sigman, a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, described the Chinese research as a ‘wake-up call’. He said: ‘It strikes me as a terrible shame that our society requires photos of brains shrinking in order to take seriously the common-sense assumption that long hours in front of screens is not good for our children’s health. ’ Baroness Greenfield, professor of pharmacology at Oxford University, described the results as ‘very striking’. She said: ‘It shows there’s a very clear relationship between the number of years these young people have been addicted to the internet and changes in their brains. ‘We need to do more experiments and we need to invest more money in research and have more studies like this. The neuroscientist has previously warned there could be a link between children’s poor attention spans and the use of computers and social-networking websites. She is concerned that not enough attention is being paid to evidence that computer use is changing young people’s brains. Professor Karl Friston, a neuroscientist at University College London, told the Scientific American journal the techniques used in the small-scale study were rigorous. He said: ‘It goes against intuition, but you don’t need a large sample size. That the results show anything significant at all is very telling. ’

Sunday, October 13, 2019

An overview of social media

An overview of social media What is Social Media? Social media is a blanket term that encompasses all tools that allow groups to generate content and engage in peer-to-peer conversations and exchange of content online. Another common term for interactions such as these is â€Å"Web 2.0†. Social media are highly accessible and inexpensive tools that all anyone from the personal sector to the corporate sector to access, create, and publish information. These media are greatly distinct from more the more traditional industrial media (newspapers, television, film) that require heavy resources use for publication. One characteristic shared by both social media and industrial media is the capability to reach small or large audiences; for example, either a blog post or a television show may reach zero people or millions of people. The properties that help describe the differences between social media and industrial media depend on the study. Some of these properties are: 1. Reach both industrial and social media technologies provide scale and enable anyone to reach a global audience. 2. Accessibility the means of production for industrial media are typically owned privately or by government; social media tools are generally available to anyone at little or no cost. 3. Usability industrial media production typically requires specialized skills and training. Most social media do not, or in some cases reinvent skills, so anyone can operate the means of production. 4. Recency the time lag between communications produced by industrial media can be long (days, weeks, or even months) compared to social media (which can be capable of virtually instantaneous responses; only the participants determine any delay in response). As industrial media are currently adopting social media tools, this feature may well not be distinctive anymore in some time. 5. Permanence industrial media, once created, cannot be altered (once a magazine article is printed and distributed changes cannot be made to that same article) whereas social media can be altered almost instantaneously by comments or editing. In his 2006 book The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom, Yochai Benkler analyzed many of these distinctions and their implications in terms of both economics and political liberty. However, Benkler, like many academics, uses the neologism network economy or network information economy to describe the underlying economic, social, and technological characteristics of what has come to be known as social media. Andrew Keen criticizes social media[citation needed] in his book The Cult of the Amateur, writing, Out of this anarchy, it suddenly became clear that what was governing the infinite monkeys now inputting away on the Internet was the law of digital Darwinism, the survival of the loudest and most opinionated. Under these rules, the only way to intellectually prevail is by infinite filibustering. Information outputs and human interaction. Primarily, social media depend on interactions between people as the discussion and integration of words to build shared-meaning, using technology as a conduit. Social media has been touted as presenting a fresh direction for marketing by allowing companies to talk with consumers, as opposed to talking at them. Social media utilities create opportunities for the use of both inductive and deductive logic by their users. Claims or warrants are quickly transitioned into generalizations due to the manner in which shared statements are posted and viewed by all. The speed of communication, breadth, and depth, and ability to see how the words build a case solicits the use of rhetoric. Induction is frequently used as a means to validate or authenticate different users statements and words. Rhetoric is an important part of todays language in social media. Social media are not finite: there is not a set number of pages or hours. The audience can participate in social media by adding comments, instant messaging or even editing the stories themselves. What is Social Media Marketing? Social media marketing is a term that describes the act of using social networks, online communities, blogs, wikis or any other collaborative Internet form of media for marketing, sales, public relations and customer service. Common social media marketing tools include Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube. In the context of Internet marketing, social media refers to a collective group of web properties whose content is primarily published by users, not direct employees of the property (e.g. the vast majority of video on YouTube is published by non-YouTube employees). Social media marketing has three important aspects: (1) Creating buzz or news worthy events, videos, tweets, or even blog entries that attract attention, and become viral in nature. Buzz is the piece that makes social media marketing work, it replicates a message not through purchase of an ad, but thorough user to user contact. (2) Building ways that fans of a brand or company can promote it themselves in multiple online social media venues. Fan pages in Twitter, MySpace of Facebook are exactly this. (3) It is conversational. Social media marketing is not fully controlled by the organization, it allows for user participation and dialogue. Potentially a badly designed social media marketing campaign can backfire on the organization that created it. That is the reason that SMM campaigns must fully engage and respect the users. According to Lloyd Salmons, first chairman of the Internet Advertising Bureau social media council Social media isnt just about big networks like Facebook and MySpace, its about brands having conversations. The parameters surrounding social media marketing are arguably elusive today; however a growing consensus suggests social media marketing and Social Media are here to stay. Nielsen published a report suggesting that blogs and social networks make up the emerging social web. The social web includes social media sites and it is a location within which social media marketing takes place. Social media are media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media supports the human need for social interaction, using Internet- and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). It supports the democratization of knowledge and information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers. Businesses also refer to social media as user-generated content (UGC) or consumer-generated media (CGM). Social media can be said to have three components; 1. Concept (art, information, or meme). 2. Media (physical, electronic, or verbal). 3. Social interface (intimate direct, community engagement, social viral, electronic broadcast or syndication, or other physical media such as print). Common forms of social media; * Concepts, slogans, and statements with a high memory retention quotient, that excite others to repeat. * Grass-Roots direct action information dissemination such as public speaking, installations, performance, and demonstrations. * Electronic media with sharing, syndication, or search algorithm technologies (includes internet and mobile devices). * Print media, designed to be re-distributed.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Literary Analysis Of The Red D Essay -- essays research papers

Literary Analysis of â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death† In the story, The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe, the author tries to create a specific atmosphere to emphasize the action within the story. The setting of the story immensely helps to create this atmosphere. Poe’s descriptive setting aids in creating the atmosphere of the story by developing mood, evoking feelings from the reader, and creating a false sense of security.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The setting of The Masque, which Poe effectively and thoroughly illustrates, helps to create a desired atmosphere by developing the mood of the story. Poe describes the masque as â€Å"a gay and magnificent revel† in which â€Å"the prince had provided all the appliances of pleasure.† This creates a joyous and blissful mood, and shows that the masque, for the most part, was a rather jubilant occasion. However, Poe also illustrates how a gigantic ebony clock, located in the westernmost apartment of the abbey, causes â€Å"the giddiest to grow pale† with the sound of a loud, deep, and rather peculiar note when the clock strikes each hour. The â€Å"uneasy cessation of all things† resulting from the sound of the clock creates an unpleasant and apprehensive mood, directly opposite from the joyful mood described earlier. These descriptive settings of the clock and the rest of the masque are what assists in creating a desired atmosphere throu ghout the story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another key element of how the setting affects the at...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Discuss the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Movie Ma Vie En Rose

Human societies all over the world believe in gender identities and expect an individual to behave in accordance to the rules of gender, laid by the society. When a person defies these rules, the society reacts negatively and compels the person to alter his/her behavior. The conflicts that arise between the society and the person struggling with his/her sexual identity are depicted in the movie Ma Vie En Rose (My Life in Pink), directed by Alain Berliner. The protagonist of the movie is a seven year old boy, Ludovic who believes that he is a girl and behaves like one.The family members of Ludovic and the neighbors are the secondary characters in the movie. The theme of the movie states that defying one’s sexual identity and behaving like the opposite sex is not an anomalous behavior, the society should realize this and accept the person as he/she is. The movie presents a touching portrayal of the dilemmas faced by Ludovic and his family members, owing to the manner in which Lu dovic exhibits his sexual identify. But the film lacks in one aspect, for it fails to provide any insights regarding Ludovic’s future in a society bound by its rules.Strengths The movie focuses on the innocent world of a boy who believes that he is destined to be a woman when he grows up. Ludovic dresses and acts like a girl, and this behavior of Ludovic astounds his family members and the neighbors. Ludovic is advised by his family members to give up his unusual thoughts and act like a boy but Ludovic refuses to listen to them. Being a seven year old boy, he fails to understand the consequences of his actions. The dilemma of the parents who discover that their child is different from other children is very well captured in the movie.The fear that they will be alienated from their society if they accepted Ludovic’s sexual identity disturbs Ludovic’s parents to such an extent that they ignore the feelings their own son. Ludovic’s parents are torn between t he love for their son and the expectations of the neighbors. â€Å"They love their son, but don't know how to (or whether they should) break him of his feminine obsession. The resulting stress tears at the fabric of their marriage, and their disapproval threatens to destroy Ludovic. † (Berardinelli).Instead of accepting their child as he is, Ludovic’s parents attempt to alter his thoughts regarding his sexual identity. Ludovic’s persistence in his views about his sexual identity, lead to anxiety and stress for his parents. The conservative thinking of adults is incapable of understanding Ludovic’s state of mind. The pain and anguish faced by Ludovic’s parents is very well depicted in the movie along with the confusion that prevails in Ludovic’s mind regarding the harsh reactions of the society and family towards the expression of his sexual identity.Weakness The movie brings forth the responses of a family and society when they realize that Ludovic is crossing the lines of sexual identity, which are drawn by the society. But it fails to comment on the future of an individual whose sexual identity differs from the notion of sexual identity held by the society. Ludovic’s dilemmas are resolved for the time being when his parents accept his feminine sexual identity. As Ludovic and his parents have moved in a new locality, Ludovic is also saved from the contempt of his old neighbors.The new neighbors understand Ludovic’s feelings and provide him with the freedom to act according to his desires. But what will happen when he grows up and enters the adult world? Will he be accepted by the society at that time? Or will he face criticism for being different from the other members of the society? Can a child like Ludovic overcome the obstacles placed by society in his life and emerge as a winner? The movie fails to answer these questions. The problems that Ludovic will face as an adult are not included in the movie, which leaves the future of Ludovic ambiguous. ConclusionThe movie Ma Vie en Rose (My Life in Pink) comments on the expectations of the society regarding the expression of sexual identity by an individual. It brings forth the reaction of the society when a person flouts those expectations and follows his/her own sexual identity. Ludovic’s struggle against his parents and society, points towards the rigidity of the people who aim to deprive a human being from the freedom of expression of sexual identity of his/her preference. The circumstances in which Ludovic is placed by his parents and society present the influence of conservative thinking on the society.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Religion, Rituals, and Health

Chapter 4 Religion, Rituals, and Health Overview of Chapter Topics †¢ Introduction: Religion, spirituality, and ritual †¢ Religion in the U. S. †¢ Religion and health behaviors – Effect of religion on health-related behaviors – Religion and health outcomes – Religion and medical decisions †¢ Rituals in relation to health practices †¢ Case Study: Cystic fibrosis in a Hasidic Jewish patient Religion, Spirituality, and Ritual †¢ There is considerable overlap between religion and spirituality. Religion: a belief in and respect for a supernatural power or powers, which is regarded as creator and governor of the universe, and a personal or institutionalized system grounded in such a belief or worship †¢ Spirituality: the life force within each of us, and it refers to an individual’s attempt to find meaning and purpose in life Religion, Spirituality, and Ritual †¢ Religion is more associated with behaviors that can be quant ified than the more inchoate term, spirituality. †¢ Religion can be categorized by denomination, so there is more agreement about the meaning of the term, and it can be more easily quantified (i. . , place of worship) †¢ Similar overlap exists between religion and ritual. – Religion may include established rituals, but not all rituals are associated with a specific religion. – Consequently, this chapter examines the relationship between ritual and health separately from the relationship between religion and health. Religion in the U. S. †¢ In 1999, 95% of population in U. S. reported a belief in God or higher power. †¢ In a 2005 study, 57% of those queried stated that religion is very important in their lives, while some 28% stated that it is fairly important. Since 1992, studies have found consistent rates of attendance at religious places of worship. †¢ Religion and ethnicity may be loosely linked, but a person’s religious affiliation should not be assumed based on his/her ethnicity. Religion and Health Behaviors †¢ Lifestyle is single most prominent influence over health today. †¢ People with religious ties have been shown to follow healthier behavioral patterns than the nonreligious related to – Wider networks of social support than does a strictly secular life – Social networks are often key to coping with life stress so improved coping mechanisms – Proscribed behaviors (i. . , no alcohol consumption or premarital sex) Religion and Health Behaviors †¢ Dietary practices with possible effects on health – Prohibition or restriction of consumption of animal products and beverages – Fasting – Prohibition or restriction of use of stimulants and depressants because of addictive properties †¢ Some religions incorporate the use of stimulants or depressants into their ceremonies †¢ Religious practice may correlate with positive health behaviors generally , as well as with reduced rates of depression and higher rates of marital stability Religion and Health Behaviors Religion thought to correlate to positive outcomes with respect to: – – – – – – – – – – – Hypertension Mortality/longevity Depression Suicide Promiscuous sexual behavior Drug and alcohol use Delinquency General feelings of well-being Hope/purpose/meaning in life Self-esteem Educational attainment Religion and Health Outcomes †¢ Religion also can harm health – Sometimes used to justify hatred, aggression, and prejudice – Can be judgmental, alienating, exclusive – Can cause feeling of religious guilt or feeling of failure to meet religious expectations – May restrict health care services because belief that health is in God’s handsReligion and Medical Decisions †¢ Beginning of life decisions – Abortion: Opposed or strictly limited by many religio ns (i. e. , health of the mother is at risk if pregnancy continued; child would be born with a disability that will cause suffering; rape; incest) – Birth control usage: Varying methods approved or strongly opposed by certain religions; some religions permit hormonal methods but not the methods that block or destroy sperm Religion and Medical Decisions †¢ End of life decisions – Religious belief may influence decisions to accept/reject optional treatments to prolong life at the end i. . , respirators, organ transplants, feeding tubes Religion and Medical Decisions †¢ End of life decisions †¢ Organ donation: perspective is changing— some now view it an act of compassion; related to belief in resurrection †¢ Euthanasia: the act or practice of ending life of someone who is suffering from a terminal illness or incurable condition by lethal injection or suspension of medical treatment – Opposed when viewed as murder or suicide or that it wi ll damage karma (states that one must show respect for preservation of life) – Some see as an act of compassion and concern for dignityReligion and Medical Decisions †¢ End of life decisions †¢ Use of advance directives for end of life care †¢ Advanced directives are legal documents that enable a person to convey his or her decisions about care ahead of time †¢ Include information about use of life-sustaining equipment, artificial hydration and nutrition (tube feeding), resuscitation, organ donation, comfort care †¢ Concerns related to appointing one person as the decision maker in collectivists cultures, person undergoing needless suffering, and if you discuss it, it will happenRitual in Relation to Health Practices †¢ Ritual: a set of actions that usually are very structured and have symbolic meaning or value †¢ May be performed on certain occasions, at regular intervals, or at discretion of individuals or communities; held in private or p ublic †¢ Tied to numerous activities and events i. e. , births, deaths, holidays, club meetings, etc. †¢ Many rituals in health care settings i. . , being on time for appointments, how people are addressed, where patient’s sit Ritual in Relation to Health Practices †¢ Objects as rituals (i. e. , amulets, bracelets, statues, crosses) †¢ Importance of shrines in ritual activities (many are for health and healing) †¢ Rituals involving animal sacrifice (done to build and maintain personal relationship with a spirit) †¢ Birth rituals (i. e. food restrictions, silent birth, how placenta is discarded) †¢ Death rituals (how and when the body is disposed of, prayer, dress, use of flowers) Summary †¢ Religion and spirituality play a major role in people’s lives and in their health decisions and behaviors. †¢ It has been shown to improve health, but also can contribute to health problems †¢ Impacts medical decisions †¢ Many r ituals are related to health and some are tied to specific religions .

Book of Acts Essay

The Book of Acts The book of Act was written by Saint Luke. The date of the writing is uncertain, but most scholars favor the period 8-90 A. D. Some people think that Acts represents normative guidelines for the New Testament church for all times. In this view I think it is agreeable for the book of acts just shows the ideal church with corresponding beliefs and values. This kind of church should be present to all even up to the present times. This book, in which St. Luke records the actions of the apostles, particularly of St. Peter and St. Paul, (whose companion in travel he was,) is as it were the centre between the Gospel and the Epistles. It contains, after a very brief re-capitulation of the evangelical history, a continuation of the history of Christ, the event of his predictions, and a kind of supplement to what he had before spoken to his disciples, by the Holy Ghost now given unto them. It contains also the seeds, and first stamina of all those things, which are enlarged upon in the epistles. The Gospels treat of Christ the head. The Acts show that the same things befell his body; which is animated by his Spirit, persecuted by the world, defended and exalted by God. In this book is shown the Christian doctrine, and the method of applying it to Jews, heathens, and believers; that is, to those who are to be converted, and those who are converted: the hindrances of it in particular men, in several kinds of men, in different ranks and nations: the propagation of the Gospel, and that grand revolution among both Jews and heathens: the victory thereof, in Spite of all opposition, from all the power, malice, and wisdom of the whole world, spreading from one chamber into temples, houses, streets, markets, fields, inns, prisons, camps, courts, chariots, ships, villages, cities, islands: to Jews, heathens, magistrates, generals, soldiers, eunuchs, captives, slaves, women, children, sailors: to Athens, and at length to Rome. Others view it as only descriptive for the 1st century church. Descriptive in the sense that it only describes the pattern and how the church worked during that period of time. The term â€Å"Acts† is not used, as it is sometimes with us, to denote decrees or laws or having to describe it, but it denotes the doings of the apostles. It is a record of what the apostles did in founding and establishing the Christian church. It is worthy of remark, however, that it contains a record of the doings of Peter and Paul. Peter was commissioned to open the doors of the Christian church to both Jews and Gentiles, and Paul was chosen to bear the gospel especially to the pagan world. As these two apostles were the most prominent and distinguished in founding and organizing the Christian church, it was deemed proper that a special and permanent record should be made of their labors. While some think that it is both a normative guidelines and a description of the church of the 1st century. At the beginning of the book the author states his purpose and that is to explain to Theophilus, and to the world, how Christianity arose and began its sweep across the earth. By this time Christianity appeared to be on the way to becoming a world religion, and some account of its beginning was needed so that it might appeal to cultured and learned people. It talks about the Day of Pentecost, empowered by the Holy Spirit; the apostles take the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the Mediterranean world. The title is misleading, for Acts is not a record of all the original disciples of Jesus. The book gives the early history of Christianity from Christ’s ascension outside Jerusalem to Paul’s visit in Rome. Chapters 1-12 stress the work of Peter in Judea and nearby lands, mainly among Jews. Chapters 13- 28 tell of the far- ranging missionary preaching of Paul, mainly to gentiles. In my opinion it is a normative guideline for the New Testament church. In the book of Acts, it is shown how the people and the believer should act before God. All antiquity is unanimous in ascribing this book to Luke as its author. It is repeatedly mentioned and quoted by the early Christian writers, and without a dissenting voice is mentioned as the work of Luke. The same thing is clear from the book itself. It professes to have been written by the same person who wrote the Gospel of Luke, Ac 1:1; was addressed to the same person, and bears manifest marks of being from the same pen. It is designed evidently as a continuation of his Gospel, as in this book he has taken up the history at the very time where he left it in the Gospel, Ac 1:1, 2. It also shows that the Holy Spirit is really with His people if they will ask from it, for the Holy Spirit will be their comforter and friend. The church nowadays should be guided by the Holy Spirit for a strong foundation. The gospel should be well delivered and evangelized throughout the world by the believers. They should acts upon what is right just like what Paul and Peter did in the book of Acts where in they weren’t afraid to spread the good news among all people. This book has commonly been regarded as a history of the Christian church, and of course the first ecclesiastical history that was written. But it cannot have been designed as a general history of the church. Many important transactions have been omitted. It gives no account of the church at Jerusalem after the conversion of Paul; it omits his journey into Arabia, Gad 1:17; gives no account of the propagation of the gospel in Egypt, or in Babylon, 1Pe 5:13; of the foundation of the church at Rome; of many of Paul’s voyages and shipwrecks, 2Co 11:25; and omits to record the labors of most of the apostles, and confines the narrative chiefly to the transactions of Peter and Paul. References: 1. Book of Acts. New Standard Encyclopedia. Volume 2. Pages 355-356. 2. Youth Bible. Holy Bible Contemporary English Version, Global Edition. Pages 861-871 3. Acts of the Apostles. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Acts_of_the_Apostles